Religious Education

The parish is the center of faith formation for Catholics. Every person in your pews, every Catholic in your parish community…child or adult…is on their own journey toward Christ and a life of discipleship.

School of Religion

Classes are held Saturday's, September through May from 9:30am to 11am
for Kinder through Eighth-Grade

There are special meetings for the parents of children scheduled to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Sacrament of First Eucharist, and Confirmation

Confirmation Program
for Teenagers
October through May

Click here to register for Confirmation Click here to register for K-8 classes

For more information about any of

St. Paul's Religious Education Programs
please contact Sr. Mary Margaret Mary, LHC


St. Paul’s Religious Education Program is proud to offer faith formation classes to the youth of our parish and community. We believe parents are the primary educators of their children in all learning, including faith formation, and serve as role models of faith-in-action, for their children, by encouraging regular class attendance, and regular participation at Mass with their children. The goal of our program is to pass on to your children the essential elements and traditions of our Catholic faith, and help them incorporate these teachings into their daily lives. Our program seeks to supplement and support what your child is learning from you about the Catholic faith, your values and morals. Your child’s religious education is important, and learning about our Catholic faith is an on-going process, so we invite you to enroll your child in St. Paul’s Religious Education Programs.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Fr. Mario Farana, Pastor

Sr. Mary Margaret, LHC, Director of

Faith Formation and Religious Education


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